Works great with CM13 & Arcus. Great keyboard & Borders!
This theme is beautiful! Amazing!! Love it!
I really like the concept but i think more detailing is to be done no doubt it's perfect but small changes like resizing icons etc. Everything looks too big and blurry make it small and crispy and detailed hope u r getting what i am trying to say anyways good piece of work
Love the Arcus support. Any chance of a red variant?
It's really awesome
I really like this theme, very much. But as in all the themes I get, they never theme my diary icon; it turns out I've invested my life events in an obscure app. What's the chance of theming the icons for 'simple notepad' and 'Jorte' calendar? It might just make my life complete.... Update! Developer just themed them! Thank you, you blinking marvel! Stupendous customer support! Cor blimey, that's good.
Like the theme.but the new update has some missing icons on settings and some icons on settings are not properly themed.and can you add support on arcus so that the neon green look color can be change to neon black,orange,yellow,...etc tnx im on resurrection remix latest marshmallow galaxy s5 g900f
Disappointed in settings app. Its too light. Could you make it dark like the system ui? Notification pane is also looks so unfinished.
Nice Work